
40+Headless experts

Empowering content management beyond boundaries with Sanity

Imagine a world where marketers, developers, and content creators collaborate seamlessly. A world where content flows effortlessly across websites, mobile apps, wearables, and print. That’s the promise of Sanity. With its headless architecture, Sanity liberates your content from the confines of traditional CMS platforms. Say goodbye to rigid templates and hello to customisable schemas. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious newcomer, Sanity empowers you to create, manage, and deliver content with unparalleled flexibility.

Why digital experts love Sanity

1 - Moving beyond web content (for real)

Sanity distinguishes itself from other headless CMS platforms by going all in on true headless content. Because of how the platform is structured, Sanity completely separates content from how it is used. Where other headless CMS platforms allow you to share content on other channels, the main experience is often focused on web content. Sanity doesn't limit your default experience in any way.

2 - Take control of your editor experience

With Sanity Studio, you have full control over how your editor experience is configured. Going a bit technical here but basically, you receive the code needed to run Sanity Studio and, as of then, it's yours to do with as you please. Have different brands? Consider setting up a separate Studio workspace for each brand with their settings and look. Working with agencies? Give them a separate slimmed-down Studio workspace so they can't access your entire platform. The options are endless!

3 - Collaborate in real-time with your colleagues

When working in Sanity Studio, you can see who else is editing the experience you are working on. You can also see the editing history for each field, allowing you to roll back specific field changes rather than looking at the page history as a whole. This way, you don't have to fear adding conflicting changes because your team is working on the same experience at the same time. Plus, you can create fully custom workflows in Sanity, way exceeding the workflow features of any other headless CMS platform.

Why developers love Sanity

1 - Spinning up endless editor interfaces we control

Since we often have to click new platforms into an existing architecture, in close collaboration with your IT department, the fact that Sanity Studio is a standalone platform we can host anywhere your IT department wants is perfection for us! We've never met an IT department, or a web development company like us, that doesn't like to be in control of the applications they run and we're no exception.

2 - Exchanging data between Content Lake and Studio via API

A feature all headless CMS platforms have in common is that they share the content you manage in the platform via APIs, allowing us to use that content anywhere. The main differentiator for Sanity is that they, themselves, already separate raw content from the visual layer your editors see. Content is stored in Sanity's so-called Content Lake and shared via API with Sanity Studio. That means that, in theory, you can set up any editor interface you like while fetching content from Sanity's Content Lake.

3 - Clicking your content into any development framework

As a web development company, we love creating visually appealing, performant and future-proof digital experiences for your customers. We are constantly reviewing development frameworks and only work with the best of the best, frameworks we've tested thoroughly and believe help us create our best work. Show us your desired digital experience and we'll match it with the ideal front-end framework. Together, we will create an experience your audience will love!

Ready to create new headless experiences?

Book a roadmap session with our solution architects & digital strategists to understand how headless can help you create exceptional digital experiences

An example of a Two Point O solutions architecture without platform selection

What we can offer beyond our extensive headless expertise

Accelerated project approach

Thanks to our years of experience with headless CMS implementations, our projects kick off at an accelerated pace. Not only is our way of working dialed in, we also have a few tricks up our sleeves to set up a technical foundation right off the bat. Curious? Ask us about it when we're discussing your project.

Expert content modelling

Knowing how to structure your content in a headless CMS - also known as content modelling - is vital to the success of your implementation. Unfortunately, this is where we often see companies go wrong. Over the years, we have become experts at content modelling, making sure it fits your organisation and your future ambitions perfectly.

Sanity Studio interfaces

Thanks to our in-depth technical expertise and our deep knowledge of web development frameworks, we can create Sanity Studio interfaces that help you support the editor experience. We'd love to think about ways to make the editor experience even better, just reach out to discuss what's possible.

Ready to create new headless experiences?

Book a roadmap session with our solution architects & digital strategists to understand how headless can help you create exceptional digital experiences

An example of a Two Point O solutions architecture without platform selection